Monday, November 8, 2010

Here Goes Nothing

Sitting in Pathophysiology today I look down the row of my most favorite lovely nursing friends and find them all to be...blogging. Yes. Amongst our usual activities (none of which usually includes paying attention
blogging has been on the top of the "I don't want to pay attention to another 2 hour of lecture" past time activity. 
(How we feel about a little thing called Pathophysiology)

So I thought to myself. How fun would it be. To join the party. ME? Blogging! I know sounds crazy. What would I even blog about? I'm not even marriedBut decided what the heck. I'll give it a go.
I'm not the funniest person but hey, I can blog about my life. I mean I love to talk, so why not blog. Sounds like a plan. So here it goes. My first blog post. 


  1. killer header. darling side pictures. clever first post. i think you're going to be a great blogger :) welcome to the club my dear! get ready to have your camera ready to capture the moments that would make 'the perfect blog post'. yep. you've joined the troops. and i for one am thrilled!

  2. madison i love it! you are adorable. super cute post. i am glad you are one of us now.

  3. thanks girlies! Glad I can join the blogging group ha. Whit- its a website called It's awesome.
